The Importance of Body Alignment

Alignment is one of those words whose meaning seems clear. But when you try to think about it, you realize that you don’t really know what it means.

People talk about having good alignment and having good posture in the same breath. The terms are related, but different.

What is Alignment?

Alignment belongs in the field of biomechanics. The technical definition is "in correct or appropriate relative positions" or "in a position of agreement." When your body is in alignment, the bones are in their correct relative positions.

Good alignment equals efficiency of movement. When I think of biomechanical alignment, I think of how the bones stack up on top of each other to form joints. When the two joint surfaces can move against each other in the most ideal way, then less work is needed for each movement.

Let’s say a joint has four movements: front, back, right and left. If the joint surfaces can move freely in all directions, carrying the weight of whatever part of the body is above, then there will be easy movement and lots of ability to move in all directions. When the joint surfaces meet each other well, the muscles have to do much less work and you feel relaxed, stronger, and lighter.

What happens when your body is out of alignment?

Imagine a heavy ball sitting on top of your head. If it’s balanced in the center of your head and you are standing very straight, the weight of the ball could go all the way through your spine, down your legs, into your feet....and then into the ground. But if the ball was slightly to one side and you didn’t want it to fall off, you would have to tilt your head and all your muscles would have to work very hard to hold the weight of the ball in the tilted position. This is what it’s like for your body when a joint is out of alignment.

There is much more muscular work! When your body is out of alignment, it is more tiring and can lead to strains and other conditions, with many different diagnoses. However, whatever the name of the condition, it will ultimately be stemming from a joint being out of alignment. A basic biomechanical issue.

How to check your own body alignment

Things are never perfectly aligned of course, and the body is always in a state of compensation. That’s normal, that’s life. The body is always always working hard to give us the best possible function with the least pain.

Signs that things are not well aligned could be feeling heavy, tired, or that your balance is not as good as it was. Pain is not always a sign of your body not being in alignment. You don’t always have pain, because your body is often able to protect you and compensate.

One thing I like to do to check my own body alignment is to lie on the floor every morning flat on my back. I feel which parts of my body are flat on the floor and which parts are lifted off the floor. I touch my ribs and my hip bones to see what position they are in. Because I do this every day I know what’s “normal'' for me and when things are off. If you do this regularly you’ll be able to recognize this for yourself and it’s a great little check in.


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